32 Automatic Logic-Cased Smart Contracts💎#shorts #taunet #logicbased #smartcontracts

2 years ago

Automatic Logic-Based Smart Contracts

The ability to use knowledge representation languages makes it possible for a user to write a contract using real-world concepts and even include their own knowledge as an asset for trade. This establishes a novel knowledge economy within Tau Net. Contracts may include anything, such as the rental of computer resources, financial instruments, and Agoras ($AGRS). Tau Net will be able to automatically calculate and perform a chain of multiparty trades to exchange one asset for a desired outcome.

#TauNet #SmartContracts #Decentralized #Blockchain #KnowledgeEconomy #RealWorldConcepts #MultipartyTrades #AssetExchange #Innovative #Efficient #FutureTechnology #DigitalTransformation

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