Beating crime w/o SACRIFICING civil liberties: Live with ex-NYC police commissioner Bill Bratton.

1 year ago

How did New York City shed its crime-ridden reputation, going from a place with more than 2,200 murders a year, 93,000 violent robberies, and 500,000 annual felonies, to one of America's safest big cities? That's the question tackled in Gotham: The Fall and Rise of New York, a new documentary available for pre-order that will be released on-demand March 21.

Join former New York City police commissioner Bill Bratton, a subject of the documentary, and Reason's Nick Gillespie and Zach Weissmueller for a live discussion of his approach to policing and how to replicate the successes of New York City without inviting new civil liberties violations, this Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern. Watch and leave questions and comments on the YouTube video above or on Reason's Facebook page.

Show Notes:

The City that Became Safe by Franklin E. Zimring -

NYC historic crime stats -

Vital City: Murders, shootings, jailings NYC -

Vital City: Murder rates in U.S. cities 2019-2021 -

NYT: Retired Officers Raise Questions on Crime Data

The Nation: Dismantling the Myth of Bill Bradley’s LAPD -

C.J. Ciaramella: George Kelling, Father of ‘Broken Windows’ Policing, Dies

NYT: Retired Officers Raise Questions on Crime Data -

Radley Balko: Tyre Nichols’ Death Again Proves that ‘Elite’ Police Units are a Disaster -

Durham, N.C. HEART Program -

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