Water & Electromagnetism

2 years ago

The assertion that ‘water has memory’ and that homeopathic dilutions of substances — where not a single molecule of the original substance remains — leave an objective, verifiable ‘imprint’ on water is anathema to classically trained scientists.

Yet French immunologist Dr. Jacques Benveniste proved that water does indeed have memory, and published a paper in the prestigious scientific journal Nature clearly describing the action of very high dilutions of anti-IgE antibody on the degranulation of human basophils. Biologists were puzzled by Benveniste’s results, as only molecules of water, and no molecules of the original antibody, remained in these high dilutions.

Benveniste rightly concluded that the configuration of molecules in water was biologically active, and a journalist later coined the term ‘water memory’. In the nineties, Benveniste also asserted that this memory could be digitized, transmitted, and reinserted into another sample of water, which would then contain the same active qualities as the first sample!

The present documentary details how Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier followed up on Beneviste's work and validated his findings.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YcV4Hb4NM0&t=319s

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