BFGC - Mar 5, 2023 Promise of Salvation

1 year ago

The Bible promises that the righteous can look to Yehovah for deliverance and salvation in times of trouble. NT Believers need to understand that promised deliverance from famines, pestilence (C19), diseases, disasters and various enemies is based upon living righteous, and is not the same as the promise of Redemption (Eternal Salvation) through Yeshua. The KJV Bible translators muddied the theological waters by grouping the words deliverance, salvation, eternal salvation, and redemption all together as one English word, salvation. All Israel will be saved, does not mean any of them will be given eternal life without accepting Yeshua as Lord and Savior. In many religious groups today, their duel covenant theory falsely teaches that only the gentiles need to be born again to receive eternal life and not any Hebrew people. That is a lie from Satan. Everyone that is allowed into the presence of Yehovah in the New Jerusalem, will be there because of the shed blood of Christ and there will be no exceptions for race or creed.

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