Brown's Gas Science, Safety & Benefits (AquaCure AC50) | George Wiseman @eagleresearchllc5656

2 years ago

Science is uncovering miraculous powers of molecular hydrogen (H2). But did you know it has a far superior relative called Brown’s Gas? This gas brings all bodily systems back into optimal health. Despite what you may have heard about Brown’s Gas (AKA Oxyhydrogen or HHO), this gas is also quite safe.

📝 Frequently updated article on the new AquaCure science, benefits, and usage guide:

📕  Video chapters
01:35 What is Brown's Gas
02:38 Overview of the health benefits of Brown's Gas
04:37 Now George inhales 12 hours per day
04:47 Health is addictive, especially having NO aches & pains
07:23 “It doesn't matter if it's hydrogen or Brown's Gas, but Brown’s Gas is 30% more efficacious”
08:05 Brown's Gas is super H2
09:48 “I have the wherewithal to work with any tech on the planet, and I choose Brown's Gas because I've found it to be the most therapeutic”
12:35 Anti-aging & cosmetic benefits of Brown’s Gas
13:46 H2 vs Brown’s Gas
14:08 How Brown’s Gas is different
14:12 Brown’s Gas contains 6 constituents
15:32 What is electrically expanded water (ExW)
15:54 Spanish study showed that 6X less Brown’s Gas gas is more effective than H2 water
18:20 The main differences between Brown’s Gas vs H2
19:16 Hydrogen alone isn't as powerful as when it also has energy (brick vs house)
20:35 Brown’s Gas keeps you alert and your brain online
20:44 How Brown’s Gas helps dementia
22:55 Brown’s Gas can generate too much energy
25:33 Popular influencers misunderstand Brown’s Gas
25:54 Lye is a helpful and non-dangerous catalyst in electrolyzers
29:32 Potassium hydroxide vs sodium hydroxide
30:06 Is inhaling lye in Brown’s Gas safe?
31:46 Third-party safety testing of Brown’s Gas confirms no impurities
34:10 Is Brown’s Gas welder's gas mixed with water?
36:20 100% effective in scientific studies
37:07 Only negative side effect is potential healing crisis
38:08 Benefits for pain & swelling
38:33 "Burns shown to heal 3X faster with no scarring"
39:09 Who's using AquaCure
39:55 Korean bar has sold Brown’s Gas treatments casually like a cup of coffee since at least 2015
41:30 The benefits George experiences from inhaling Brown’s Gas
43:31 Are H2 tablets safe & effective
45:25 12 seconds of Brown’s Gas is more therapeutic than 1L of normal H2 tablet-infused water
46:41 Lifetime cost of tablets vs AquaCure AC50 comparison
47:07 1 hr of AquaCure AC50 inhalation is about $0.20
47:35 Why AquaCure machines come with a 1 year satisfaction guarantee + lifetime warranty
53:47 Future of medicine with AquaCures

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📝 About our guest
George Wiseman has changed entire industries with his innovations. George started working with Brown’s Gas in 1986, creating practical machines to apply this amazing gas in applications such as Fuel Saving, Torch-Fuel Gas, and Radioactive Neutralization. He's recognized worldwide and renowned for the practical applications of Brown’s Gas.

His customers told him of their astonishing healings using Brown’s Gas. When he used it on himself, he experienced the same substantial health improvements. The AquaCure machine is specifically optimized to safely provide Brown’s Gas for Health. George's mission is to get one into every home.

🔑 Key takeaways
- Brown’s Gas is highly safe and 30+% more beneficial than molecular hydrogen
- The right form of lye is not dangerous, and the design of the AquaCure AC50 prevents any potential issues
- Benefits of Brown’s Gas are incalculable for both the sick & health users looking for an ergogenic performance boost
- George replaced coffee with BG since it has a profound & stable energizing effect
- Doctors, researchers, and prominent health practitioners use AquaCure for a reason

🔗 Links
- Full episode show notes:
- Music by Luke Hall:

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