Mobile VS Desktop

2 years ago

That means to me that Google now has one index. It is the mobile index.
I want you to really sit with that for a minute. Because of all of the things that you've heard over the years things like your mobile site has to load fast, or people aren't going to wait to see the information.

Google's not going to index you if your site doesn't load fast. You've probably heard other things like Your mobile site doesn't have to have all the information on it. It just needs to have what's important and you can put everything else on your desktop. Don't do that anymore. If you are someone who has done that because that was something that was introduced in the web design industries many years ago, like when mobile started becoming really popular because all of those things slow your site down. And so the theory was, let's only put what's super important on the mobile and everything else can be on the desktop and people will see it when they go over there.

That's not the world we live in today. In the world we live in today is that most people are searching on their phones. Most industries, mine being one of the very few that are hanging on, have an 80% mobile search versus 20% desktop. My industry is about 60-40 now. 60% desktop, 40% mobile. I think when I say my industry, I mean, like, website designers, I think people are looking when they're at work and for work, which means they're using a desktop. Most people, all of you guys, your businesses, people are searching at home, in their spare time. If they're at work, they're not searching for their work. They're searching for them personally and they're using their phone.
Because most are phones 80 to 90% and only 10 to 20% desktops.

So, Dotty, would my tablet be considered mobile or the same as my phone?
Or what is the tablet?

Going to be considered the same as your phone.


A bigger laptop is considered the same as a desktop.

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