Women and pornography

2 years ago

I've tried quitting several times on my own but I'm still struggling.
It's always on my mind. I feel consumed by it and don't see a way out.
I don't think there's any hope for me. I've done things that are too bad to come back from.
I feel like a hypocrite for being a Christian struggling with sexual sin.

#shame #freedom #community #accountability #gethelp #setfree #marriage #relationship #addiction #sexaddiction #pornaddiction #recovery #hope #change #purpose #passion #shamefree #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #youmatter #newseason #ssa #samesexattraction #fightthenewdrug
#sexualaddiction #childhoodtrauma #trauma #bravehearts #redeemed #youareloved #nojudgement #noshame #noblamegame #herosjourney #overcomingwalls


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