The World Economic Forum's Totalitarian Agenda Explained

1 year ago

Welcome to our channel, where we shed light on the hidden truths behind today's most pressing issues. In this video, we will discuss The World Economic Forum's Totalitarian agenda.

The World Economic Forum has been shaping the global economic agenda since its creation in 1971. They convene the world's most powerful leaders in business, government, and academia every year in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss pressing matters of the global economy. But behind closed doors, the World Economic Forum has been advocating for policies and initiatives that threaten our fundamental freedoms and push us towards a totalitarian future.

Their "Great Reset" initiative is a prime example of their agenda. It aims to reshape the world economy to align with their vision of a sustainable future. But this comes at a cost. The Great Reset calls for an increase in government control over our lives, a shift towards a cashless society, widespread surveillance, and a move towards a universal basic income.

The World Economic Forum's agenda has the potential to strip us of our individual liberties and turn us into a society ruled by those in power. Their ultimate goal is to create a one-world government and a new world order.

In this video, we will examine the World Economic Forum's Totalitarian agenda in detail, how it is being implemented, and what we can do to stop it. So, hit that subscribe button and stay tuned to understand the truth behind the global elites' agenda.    

#worldeconomicforum #totalitarianism #globaleconomy #cashlesssociety

Richard Vobes

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