The Moon as Seen from the Arctic for 36 seconds

1 year ago

This video was shared on Telegram in the Group "Q Comms" ... I saw it on March 9th, 2023

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This video was filmed inside the Arctic Circle, just between the Canada-Alaska-Russia border.

This phenomenon can only be observed once a year, for 36 seconds. The moon appears and disappears.

Immediately afterward, there is a 5-second total solar eclipse.

This phenomenon only occurs at perigee - the point where the moon is closest to the earth.

Joshua's Comments: - Within this channel we share various videos linked to the GeoCentric Model (or more popularly known as Flat Earth). Some people viewing this may say its CGI or a graphically done video and not real. This is normally what people say when they see something that contradicts their sense of Earth reality. However, for those who are open to explore the GeoCentric Model (or Flat Earth) this video makes more sense as I will explain below, if you are curious ....

We could see the Moon being so close to the Earth, if the Moon itself was very close to the Earth and not 239000 miles away - yes ... and ...

In the GeoCentric Model, the Arctic or North Pole is at the very center of the Flat Earth and that this phenomena only last 36 seconds and happens once a year must mean that Moons orbit over the Earth once a year comes close to the North Pole ... and ...

If there is a 5 second total eclipse - then it shows the size of the Moon is the same size as the Sun plus the Moon disappears from view for a few seconds in the sky due to the brightness of the Sun.

Such a phenomena could only exist if we live on a GeoCentric Earth. This is another reason they don't want people to go to the true North Pole as there are things there they don't want you to see (you will be arrested)!!

What do you think about this video - feel free to share it with others!!


We are including this video on our Flat Earth Channel because it reflecfts part of the information we share in our free e-book (released December 2021) entitled, "Journey into the World of Flat Earth, Book #1".

If you would like to get your own copy of our ree e-book, just send to Joshua an email at: ... subject: FE Free Ebook Please - Moon - North Pole

To learn more about our work with the Crystal Skulls and the various books plus crystal skulls we offer go to:

For the latest on-line news we share and also links to when Joshua is interviewed on a variety of shows, these are posted on his facebook page, go to:

For all the videos we are posting and which are linked to our new free e-book on Flat Earth here on rumble, our rumble channel is:

We hope you enjoy this new channel and that the videos shared here will offer new insights and food for thought why so many people are open to the Flat Earth model and why all major civilizations from our past have images of our world that show a flat non-rotating earth with an impregnable dome that totally surrounds our world.

To an amazing future with many changes coming soon - 2023 (and beyond) which will be like no year we have ever experienced and this is in a positive, uplifting, joyous and harmonious way

Joshua Shapiro
your crystal skull and paranormal explorer

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