294: P&C decry the erosion of public standards

1 year ago

The boys drink and review a holiday ale from New Belgium, then discuss the erosion of public standards of conduct.

Is society allowed to expect basic standards of behavior?

What about business dress codes? Can McDonald’s insist on a uniform, even though people could flip burgers in sweats and a t-shirt?

Was it right for Zelenski to speak to the Congress of the United States in a sweatshirt?

Aren’t there any standards?

Hardly. And the few that exist all fly out the window if you mention gender identity. If you say your gender identity requires you to wear enormous pretend boobs, nobody is willing to tell you differently.

A recent example of this conflict of standards is the weird example of Sam Brinton. The man is a disgrace and a flaming weirdo, but because he’s “gender fluid” he gets a pass.

On the other hand, elementary school teachers can be fired for doing relatively normal things.

There’s no logic or sense to any of this.

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