Fibro Flair Ups Sucks! My Fibromyalgia Story: Fibro Vlog

2 years ago

Fibromyalgia sucks. It's an catch-all disability that you have to convince people, including doctors, is real and it effects every part of your body. I recorded this vlog back in December, 2022 and posted it on my other channel. But I decided, to upload it to @MagicalButterflySpirit because this channel will no longer be just tarot. I am starting my small spiritual business and will document that journey on my YouTube Channel. And every once in a while, document my health journey. Because, I hope prove to myself it gets better. So here is my Fibromyalgia story. Oh and the link to the Desk I mentioned is here -
Desk Bed:
It is an Amazon Affiliate Link

#fibromyalgia #tarotreader #vlog #fibro #fibrolife #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #spirtuality #spirtual #spirtualbusiness #shopify #etsy #wellness #wellbeing #mentalhealth #witchy

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