Galactic Shamanism | The PTA Show

2 years ago

This Portal To Ascension variety show features world renowned experts in the field of Galactic Shamanism, in order to seed ancient knowledge and wisdom on the topic and to enlighten the audience about the pivotal role it plays in our current society. As the masses are awakening in record numbers, Galactic Shamanism helps bridge the awakening process with the solidification of the inner gnosis that occurs alchemically within each individual. On the physical planes, the role of a Shaman is to uncover what is hidden in the ethers and in the outer planes.

Allow Waxela Sananda, Sheila Seppi, Glenda Dawson, Mary Nunez, and Geraldine Orozco to unravel what is “Unseen” in a very special night of presentation, anecdotal storytelling and rhetoric, and community gathering and meditation.

Each presenter will share a piece of their own knowledge and help integrate their very important message into the consciousness field of Creation. Special musical accompaniment provided by non-other than Haruko Blue Star.

Special Thank You to all of our guests and musical artist for sharing their wisdom with the World.

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