MR. NON-PC - We're Almost At The "2 Week" 3 Year Anniversary

1 year ago

Can everyone remember when our rotten and satanic United States Government along with all the B.S health affliates told everyone that we were gonna have to "shelter in place" and "lockdown" for "2 weeks" hahahah what A DAMN LIE!!!

Funny enough the average "PC-Peep" who gobbles their PC-POOP has no clue that the "2 weeks" that they got fooled into turned into 3 YEARS!!!!

The CovidCult was definitely the biggest scam in 1000 years, why can't the majority see it yet??

The sad part is, you know these evil and rotten fools and tools that purveyed this gigantic scam will NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE....sorry to inform ya'll THERE WILL NEVER BE CONSEQUENCES FOR THESE EVIL FOOLS.

The only justice will come from God Almighty.....not from the broken justice system and evil institutions.

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