This is why we love Frieza!

2 years ago

Frieza (Final Form/True Golden Frieza) vs. Jiren (Full Power)

Frieza suddenly reappears and attacks Jiren, determined to kill him regardless of the tournament rules. Though he becomes True Golden Frieza once more!

Frieza, professional shit talker. attacks jiren where it hurts! Frieza roasts Jiren! but Jiren wastes no time knocking him off into the distance, where he passes out again.

Anime: Dragonball Super
Season: Universe Survival Saga
Episode: 127 The Approaching Wall! A Hopeful Final Barrier!

We’re always on the look out for powerful warriors! So how about it? Join the Time Patrol today:


Jiren: Shut up.

Frieza: You shut up.

Jiren: That's why your power level is pathetic.

Frieza: That's why your family's dead.

Jiren: ...

Frieza: Dead as hell.

Frieza: What's their power level?

Frieza: What power level do they have in the ground?

Frieza: That's why you have no grandma.

Frieza: She can't pray to the God of Destruction, Bitch!

Frieza: How about that?

Frieza: AHHHHHH!

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