Oakeshott overshot? The dubitable leak of the Project Fear WhatsApp messages - UK Column News

1 year ago

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-6th-march-2023
- Sunday Telegraph: Hancock’s plan to ‘frighten the pants off’ the public 
- Mail (March 2021): Grandmother, 66, who was terrified of infecting her family with Covid killed herself by stepping in front of a train when she felt ‘a little under the weather’ with a cold, inquest hears
- Telegraph commentary by Julia Hartley-Brewer: The journalists condeming Isabel Oakeshott for doing her job didn’t do theirs properly
- Video: Hartley-Brewer being jarringly jocular with David Davis about lockdown policy
- UK Column was on to SPI–B in March 2021—what took the mainstream two years?
- Sunday Telegraph editorial: The chilling costs of Project Fear
- Chris Whitty told a parliamentary committee in March 2020—
“I think it is easy to get a perception that if you are older and you get this virus then you are a goner—absolutely not, the great majority of people will recover from this virus even if they are in their eighties. Was this ethical? What about the longer-term consequences?”
- SPI–B minutes of 22 March 2020 speak of coercion, ostracism and hints of incitement to community violence
- Dr Christian Buckland: There can be no informed consent to injections under such coercion
- Dr Buckland: Why such “revelations” now? Is there another agenda at play between government and mainstream media?
- UK Column: Lockdown: British Government’s psychological attack on the public (2022 interview with Dr Buckland)

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