Which Is Greater, Your Ignorance or Your Knowledge?

2 years ago

Which is greater, your ignorance or your knowledge? The answer is obvious, of course. What you don't know runs into infinity and beyond, while what you know has limitations. What we don't know will always far exceed what we know because our ignorance operates in the field of God's omniscience, and we can never have that much awareness about all things.

Thus, the questions become, (1) What do you think about your knowledge limitations, and (2) how are you responding to the discrepancy?

Question One: Does your lack of awareness discourage you or fill you with curious optimism? Have you heard the story of the boy in a room full of manure?

Question Two: Are you eagerly and regularly exploring the unlimited reaches of your ignorance? One of the traits of this type of person is unabated curiosity.

Curiosity is a gift. You might characterize some who are not curious and don't ask questions as afraid, motivated by pride: they don't want to let on that they don't know something. Alternately, the curious folks are humble about not knowing things while eager to learn more.

Two of the most curious cultural icons are Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan. (I do not recommend listening to Joe Rogan because he's vulgar.) They know a lot, are insanely rich and are super-successful, but they have a childlike curiosity. Though Jordan is undoubtedly on a mensa level, he has a curious humility.

The best counselors have at least these two qualities: an insatiable desire to study people and a deep curiosity about the person they are discipling. They ask the best questions and explore a person's darker, hidden, and mysterious aspects of their lives.

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