China's Failed Attempt to Censor Lingerie: Mannequin Shenanigans with BlazeTV's Stu Burguiere

1 year ago

In this hilarious YouTube short, @BlazeTV's Stu Burguiere recounts the story of China's attempt to censor women's lingerie displays in stores. When stores switched to displaying lingerie on men's mannequins, the situation turned into a hilarious and ridiculous game of censorship. Stu provides his own comedic commentary on the situation, highlighting the absurdity of censorship, cultural differences, and gender norms. If you're looking for a good laugh and a fresh perspective on current events, join Stu as he dives into the world of mannequin shenanigans in China.

#LingerieMannequins #Censorship #Humor #China #BlazeTV

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