REVEAL: (10/10) The Global Government's "Great Reset" Agenda- Brave Reloaded

1 year ago

Jonathon Otto presents

In this episode… Our sources reveal how the globalists go after health experts and investigative journalists who try to uncover their dangerous plans…And what some of these truth-seeking individuals have had to suffer will bring tears to your eyes.

Maryam Henein, reveals how top corporate executives – often billionaires themselves – in behemoths like Google are “shadily” securing interests in the drug industry [Big Pharma]... how journalists and experts are convicted of “thought crime” and targeted with tailored tortures and digital assassinations…

Dr. Ben Marble shares how the the World Economic Forum is following Klaus Schwab’s The Great Reset book to the letter.

Dr. Jane Ruby “We have the new kid on the block, Novavax, which some frontline doctors are pushing, and it really angers me because it's very dangerous.

Dr. Lee Merritt… and Dr. Paul Thomas who has a LOT to share with you about what’s happening now in the world that 99% of humanity is unaware of.


Brave Reloaded

DVD Series

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