Belo, L7NNON - 15 de Maio

1 year ago

The music video for Belo and L7NNON's "15 de Maio" is a powerful and emotional portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of the black community in Brazil. The video opens with a group of young black men walking through the streets of Rio de Janeiro, surrounded by poverty and violence.

As the song begins, we see a series of powerful images that illustrate the challenges faced by the black community in Brazil, including police brutality, racial profiling, and discrimination in the workplace. These scenes are intercut with footage of Belo and L7NNON performing the song against a backdrop of graffiti-covered walls and urban landscapes.

Throughout the video, we see moments of hope and resilience, as the black community comes together to support one another and push for change. We see scenes of protests, community events, and cultural celebrations, all of which serve to highlight the strength and resilience of the black community in Brazil.

Overall, the music video for "15 de Maio" is a powerful and timely tribute to the struggles and triumphs of the black community in Brazil, and a call to action for those who seek to make a difference in the fight against racism and discrimination.

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