"people" are internet junkies, the best drugs ain't drugs

1 year ago

musical back story bout me
i must be the only one having fun
i don't do what yawl do
social networks are a very powerful drug
your crazy anti vax friend (also me)
my advice to my friends back in 2007: don't get a smartphone you'll die (they all did)
sportin my flip phone n happier than everyone
funny how many people agree with me and don't apply anything i say
i got into arguments with my classmates back in the day over 1984
what if everything is a social construct
standup made me realize so many things actually
they just don't have the chutzpah to be different
so many gays/trance! (can't keep up)
i shouldn't make a joke cos in a wk and half there will be cyclops people
i wanna identify as a tranquilizer dart
i wish everyone would just OD already

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