Remixing a Side Filament Loader for the Flashforge Dreamer (NX) - (The Iterative Process) - Part 5

1 year ago

This video series shows how I used an iterative process to remix a filament side loader to fit the FlashForge Dreamer (NX) 3d printer.

Part 1 covers:
1) The original design I downloaded from Thingiverse (ReFiller - Filler-compatible, self-centering filament roller):
It was a remix of the original design of this side loader (Filler - The Customizable Filament Holder that fills your printer!):
1) Printing the remixed design.

Part 2 covers:
1) Cleaning up the printer after printing with PETG
2) Evaluating the initial remix print.

Part 3 covers:
1) Redesigning two of the parts in the remix: the end pins that engage the roller skate bearings.
2) Using 3D builder to modify the spool so that both ends accept inserted pins which will be stronger
3) How to print parts in different orientations to make them stronger.

Part 4 covers:
1) Installing the remixed project on the Dreamer NX and trying it out
2) Modifying the bracket which holds the side loader using a piece of 1/2" plywood so it will fit snuggly

Part 5 covers:
1) Using 3D builder to redesign the bracket that holds the side loader so it fits snuggly without using any wood.

Here's a link to my remixed project on Thingiverse:

Link to 3D Builder:

Here's a link to the skateboard bearings I used on Amazon:

Here are links to the handheld tools I used to clean up the parts:
Xcelite Nippers:
Xcelite Needle-nose pliers:

These are the spatulas I used to help remove the pieces from the print bed:

These are the tweezers I used to help remove dripping filament from the print head:

The wire brushes I use are no longer sold on amazon, but here's something similar:

Flashforge Dreamer NX on Amazon:

Link to my Etsy Store:

End Screen Video Acknowledgement: Cosmic Reef Video produced by NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

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