Star Wars Currencies - Blender Scene

1 year ago

"Republic Credits? Republic Credits are no good out here, I need something more real."

This line of dialogue could have unleashed a very interesting side story for the Star Wars Universe, one that I feel was not taken advantage of. Why would the Hutts have any interest in working with the Empire? Especially when all they care about is wealth? The easy solution is that they would be drawn the the stabilization the Imperial Credit would offer. It would have been half-way between a Republic Credit and the Hutt's Peggat, inlaid with precious metals to give it "real" value in the sight of potential allies to the Empire.


For a while, I've been tinkering with making 3D models of the Star Wars currencies. I was hoping to use these in a short film one day. There will be more Star Wars related content in the future, so like and share if you want to see more!

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