2 years ago

I genuinely care for all of my viewers. My promise to God, as well as my Love for Jesus reminds me every day that I wake up in the morning, that it is a new day as well as another opportunity to warn people of the coming end. As clearly stated in the great book, " In the twinkling of an eye". He is going to come VERY quickly. And unfortunately, for many, like a thief in the night.
( Those who are asleep, and love the world. Those who could care less about what anyone has to say about Jesus soon returning, let alone this video.)
I often wonder how Atheists explain the bible. What their explanation is for something that was written thousands of years ago telling of the very act of individuals, and government leaping off the pages right now. Revelation is here. So let it be written, so let it be done. Ready or not... here he comes!

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