This Program Is Providing Hope for Patients in Need of Experimental Therapies

1 year ago

Did you know that there's a program in Canada that allows patients to access experimental therapies if they're in a serious or life-threatening situation?

It's called the Special Access Program, and it's a way for Canadian patients to try out innovative treatments, like psilocybin, in a supervised environment.

In this video, Benjamin Lightburn, the CEO and co-founder of Filament Health, a clinical-stage natural psychedelic drug discovery and development company, details how the program works!

Benjamin explains that patients can consume the psilocybin in the presence of their doctor or therapist.👨‍⚕️

The experience typically lasts around six hours, and while it usually happens at the therapist's office, it could also happen at the patient's home. 👈

So, if you're curious about experimental therapies and how they're making a difference in people's lives, try looking into the Special Access Program in Canada.

It's a shining example of how innovation can HELP those in need. 🤝

Click here to learn more!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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