114 - Alt Media United. Future of Media, Informal Networks, Decentralization and we the Mob

2 years ago

In this special episode we are joined by a few fellow Alt Media United podcast/radio hosts for a chat about the future of media, podcasting, staying undemoralisable, what is happening right now, and the potential future with block chain / bit coin technology.

We are joined by Alv from Forum Borealis, Mark from My Family Thinks I’m Crazy, Joe from Lighting the Void, and Owen from Blue Collar Mystics. We chat about the war we are all in whether we know it or not, Darren’s suspensions on twitter, the Hope, we the mob, speaking the truth, cancel culture, limited hangouts, the collective unconscious, Unions and informal networks and more.

In the second half we get deeper into the hopes and solutions, lot’s about bit coin and the massive threat this is. We also talk inside baseball about podcasting and Alt Media United, decentralization, scarcity vs the new paradigm, virtual worlds, how we are circumventing censorship, the truckers and freedom convoy and the pushback, building a global network and making a difference in the world.

See links below for the guests….:






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