1 year ago

In 2009, an award-winning news reporter from Minnesota, Timothy Charles Holmseth, began a journalistic investigation into the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings, 5, Florida. Holmseth’s evidence led to interviews with Hillary Clinton-associate Wayanne Kruger who provided Holmseth details about a convicted sex offender named John Regan who identified himself as an undercover pedophile for the FBI and CIA and was running a CIA/FBI child trafficking operation with an attorney from Florida named Kim Lowry Picazio, and her convicted felon husband Michael James Picazio.
Timothy Holmseth was interviewed by the FBI in 2010 and turned over troves of information regarding John Regan and Kim Lowry Picazio and others. In 2011 Holmseth published a book entitled “In Re: HaLeigh Cummings (the shocking truth revealed)”.
In 2019, Timothy Holmseth became the official news reporter for the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force which reported “John Regan” was one and the same as “Bob Hamer” who is a former “undercover pedophile” for the FBI serving on the Board of Advisors for the fraudulent (never rescued one single child) Veterans For Child Rescue Inc, Arizona, which was set up by Hillary Clinton’s former security chief Craig (Sawman) Sawyer. The task force further reported that “John Regan” (a.k.a. Bob Hamer) may be the mysterious “Mr. Reagen” who child sex abuse and trafficking victim Max Livingston named to investigators during the FINDERS INVESTIGATION in Florida in the 1980’s.
The information the world is now learning about THE FINDERS was kept hidden by the Deep State when in 2011, Kim Lowry Picazio fraudulently obtained a domestic violence protection order in a Family court in Florida against Timothy Holmseth, Minnesota, to prevent Holmseth from reporting about her and her group’s activities.
Timothy Holmseth was kidnapped and falsely imprisoned four times by the Deep State between 2011 and 2019 for trying to bring this information about the crimes against children to the American public and world.
In this video you are going to hear, for the first time ever, the phone calls between Timothy Charles Holmseth and Attorney Kim Lowry Picazio. You are going to instantly know that Kim Picazio is a sociopathic liar, and that Timothy Holmseth is a professional news reporter, who never did anything illegal or bad to Kim Picazio whatsoever.
Timothy Holmseth’s evidence connected Kim Lowry Picazio and Michael James Picazio to convicted Ponzi schemer Scott W. Rothstein and Jeffrey Epstein.
In October 2019 FBI released internal investigative files from the official investigations into the FINDERS CULT.
7:49 – First telephone call between Timothy Charles Holmseth placed in May 2009 to Attorney Kim Picazio by Timothy Holmseth after Kim Picazio contacted Timothy Holmseth and asked Holmseth to call her
1:37:48 – Second call between Timothy Charles Holmseth which was placed by Attorney Kim Picazio in May 2009 and received by Timothy Holmseth
1:58:27 – Select recordings filed with the Minnesota court that feature Wayanne Kruger describing the international child trafficking operations of Attorney Kim Lowry Picazio and her convicted felon husband Michael James Picazio, which Kruger said the Picazio’s were conducting with a convicted sex offender named John Regan who told multiple witnesses he was an undercover pedophile for the FBI and CIA. Kruger told Holmseth the Picazio’s and John Regan sold kidnapped kids through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC. Also featured is Donald Knop, who in 2009 was a legal assistant for Kim Picazio Law Office. Donald Knop describes child rape pornography possessed by Kim Picazio of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings.
2:27:20 – View the fraudulently obtained INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION AGAINST REPEAT VIOLENCE issued by a Florida family court administrator against Timothy Charles Holmseth, which was Petitioned for by Attorney Kim Lowry Picazio who had never even met Timothy Holmseth in person.
2:28:45 – Video captured of Kim Lowry Picazio and her associate Alexandria Goddard hunting for Timothy Charles Holmseth in Grand Forks, North Dakota on August 26, 2019 (despite Kim Picazio having a protection order against Holmseth because she claims she is so afraid of him). In the video Kim Picazio talks about killing Timothy Holmseth. The video shows Kirk Pendergrass, agent, E-Clause LLC, talking to Kim Picazio. In the video you will also hear the voice of Christopher E. Hallett, CEO, E-Clause LLC, a Congressional defense contractor that performed loss prevention for the U.S. Government under consent of Congress, who was murdered (shot in the back) in his Florida home in November of 2020 shortly after he filed Sealed Indictments [Kim Lowry Picazio etc.] in the federal court in Florida, which subsequently vanished (but Hallett provided a trusted colleague a copy of the federal court receipt).

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