1 year ago

Ever since social media technology rose exponentially in the first decade of the 2000s, our world drastically changed alongside its development. Amidst the rise of social media came the great levelling — the rise of ‘social media influencers’ which saw the everyday individual catapulted to fame.

Influencers, like Trash Pandas, especially here in the United States of America can be found in every section of the concrete jungle and the rural areas. You can usually find these fucktards either alone or with a crew. How can you tell? They’re out there with a tripod, camera, and a friend/better half with some form of video recording equipment.

God forbid you’re taking a break in their shot or out of jest, photo bomb them. They will go from sane to Karen at Mach Fuck!

Influencers think they have the power and capacity to influence large swathes of people is indeed a superpower. But they have a problem. A big one too. And it’s having seriously negative effects on Gen Z and Millennials and us GenX and Baby Boomers find them a scourge, a plague, a festering boil on the ass of society.
With the outbreak of the coronavirus the easily led automaton of the global population went crazy over social-distancing, it isn’t surprising that some influencers are attention-seeking now more so than before post-China virus.
During the pandemic, folks who were locked down were glued to social media, yet! The influencer took advantage of this and instead of being a positive member of society, they made the content about themselves for financial gain, and that ladies and gentlemen is textbook greed.
Trash Panda is another name for the racoon, they may be cute, they may act cute and are pleasant on the eyes. When in reality, this vermin’s sole purpose in in life is to be a pain in the 4th point of contact, consume, annoy, and create chaos to society. Like the racoon, what do you do when you run into one? First, you say to say yourself, “Are you fuckin serious? Will you please pound sand and get the fuck of my AO. The Trash Panda when surprised, gets riley, in response, you will go full on fuck you and do whatever you have to do to get that rabid fucker away from you. The influencer, like the trash panda when found and confronted they go buck shit crazy and come after you with anger and vitriol.

Influencers are useless!

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Made for the TenaciousDD214 Productions, LLC YouTube, Rumble, and Twitch Channel by Blue Falcon Productions LLC Released by TenaciousDD214 Productions, LLC and Blue Falcon Productions LLC©™ / Copyright and Trademark 2023

influencers are broke, influencers are lying to you, influencers are annoying, influencers in the wild, influencers are stupid, #viral #viralvideo #viralshort #viralshorts #viralshorts2023

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