The Rich keep control of their money and use other people's money.

1 year ago

The rich and the poor operate differently. the Poor earn then spend. The Rich earn, invest, borrow and spend never losing control of the the money flowing towards their family.

Eric Arruda
Arruda & Associates Inc
Mortgages | Bookkeeping | Insurance | Real Estate | Acquisition Entrepreneur

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My personal support team includes:
Maryam Eshagh | Account Manager
Jerome Christensen |Team Leader
Scott Cordier, CFP, CLU, CCS | Advisor

Mortgage Agent | Mortgage Alliance
FSRA #:10530 License #:M18002077

Sales Representative
Century 21 Regal Realty Inc., Brokerage

Bridgeforce WCS London, MGA

#WealthMatters #MoneyTrees #HELOCStrategy #Interest #Taxes #RealEstate #EconomicIndependence #CashFlow

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