Daily Chess play - 1345 - Missing Single move takes

1 year ago

First game, I was up 3 pawns at move 33 but I decide to take a risk and sacrifice my Rook for two checks on the King. I then blunder my Queen in front of his Queen on e6 XD. Resigned afterwards.

Second game, I ignored the pawn taking my Knight on b4. At least I got two pawns and Rook for it but not because of it. Opponent plays on. He had a chance to take my Queen for Knight and pawn but he doesn't do it. I forced some trades to get his Rook and Queen off the board to win the game.

Third game, I miscalculated the trade on a6 because I didn't see the Rook was free. I make additional errors on top of that and it's game over soon after that.

Missing single move takes. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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