On computers....we're back. The housing market is odd, let's discuss!

2 years ago

It’s good to be back!

We started off with a frank discussion of the current residential market in St. Louis. Buyers are still everywhere…wild to see.

We discussed some tweets, one in particular from Nassim Taleb caught my attention because he relayed a story about a real estate agent moonlighting as an uber driver. The driver/broker relayed that the real estate market is really hot, but in theory if the market was that great, shouldn’t the uber driver be selling real estate and not driving? Interesting….just an interesting thought experiment.

If you were camping, and a bear was running to attack you, would you leave your slower friend to be mauled by the bear? What about other real estate agents…

Finally, we went over an article that touched on reasons why some might decide to sell their home. It didn’t match up with what I usually see from sellers. The majority of sellers I see just want out of their house…there’s not a whole logic to it..much more emotional based decision making.

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Mortgage Rates came in at 7.03 percent on a 30 year fixed today.

The great computer drama…it’s built, tell me what you think!

When a bear attacks…


On the Twitter

Nassim Taleb

Lance Lambert

Gary Brode

Car Dealership Guy

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