Neanderthal Sue

2 years ago

No matter what you identify as, when they dig up your bones you’re going to be identified as the male or female you were born as. Such is the case with Neanderthal Sue

A hundred thousand years ago, in the caves of northern France
There lived a girl named Neanderthal Sue,
Who thought she was a man.

Her legs were strong and hairy
She could spear fish like an ace
Neanderthal Sue would always hang with the boys
With mammoth hair on her face.

We call her Neanderthal Sue
She was female and confused
We call her Neanderthal Sue
But she lived life like a dude
She’s Neanderthal Sue

When all the men went hunting,
Sue liked to join in. The other fellas, they believed her story. Sue was just like them

One day out in the bayou, Sue got stuck in the bog.
Poor Sue didn’t have the upper body strength to climb up on that log.

We call her Neanderthal Sue
She was female and confused
We call her Neanderthal Sue
But she lived life like a dude
She’s Neanderthal Sue

Neanderthal Sue went under, and they found her bones today, the scientist who examined her said “Poor girl, what a fate”

We call her Neanderthal Sue
She was female and confused
We call her Neanderthal Sue
But she lived life like a dude
She’s Neanderthal Sue.

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