[Restoring the Land] Four Methods of Sustainable Grazing

1 year ago

The fourth type of grazing isn't considered so
Leaving ground fallow isn't considered to be grazing. But it should be.
If you do, then you'll get four types of grazing to utilize over your year.
Practically, fallow grazing is being done whenever your pasture isn't being grazed. Because it's opposed to continuous grazing where the cattle just keep trimming off the new growth all year round.
Some graziers follow advice to have a few acres left out of their rotations so that they have grass for droughts, or to stockpile ahead of winter. That ground is all left fallow during that time. And the same fallow pastures are worked into the rotation the next year, swapping out for other acres...
Visit: https://livingsensical.gumroad.com/l/RationalGrazingLibrary

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