Why Socialism Can Never Improve the World | The Stephan Kinsella Series | Episode 5 (WiM283)

1 year ago

In this episode, Stephan Kinsella joins me for an in-depth conversation about the book "A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism: Economics, Politics, and Ethics" by Hans-Hermann Hoppe. We discuss the harmful effects of socialism, how to take proper action in an increasingly uncertain future, and the alternative to socialism.

Stephan Kinsella is an American intellectual property lawyer, author, and deontological anarcho-capitalist.

// GUEST //
Stephan's Twitter: https://twitter.com/NSKinsella
Stephan's Website: https://www.stephankinsella.com
A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism: Economics, Politics, and Ethics: https://shorturl.at/wCP47

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00:00:00 - Coming up
00:01:04 - Intro
00:02:38 - Secure Your Bitcoin Stash with The iCoin Hardware Wallet
00:03:35 - Do More with Your Digital Assets with Ledn
00:04:20 - Introducing Stephan Kinsella
00:04:32 - Harmful Effects of Socialism in Practice
00:10:23 - Institutionalized Violation of Private Property Rights
00:16:51 - Understating Socialism through Different Lenses
00:24:46 - How to Know What to Do Successfully
00:35:43 - Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth
00:36:45 - A Bitcoin Wallet with Privacy Built-In: Wasabi Wallet
00:37:20 - A Chance To Win Discounted Tickets to The Bitcoin 2023 Conference and 10M SATS
00:38:17 - Hold Bitcoin in the Most Secure Custody Model with Casa
00:39:05 - The Problem with Blending of Terminology
00:42:39 - Using Ever-growing Knowledge for Proper Action
00:49:01 - How to Properly Look at the Uncertain Future
00:54:57 - Inefficient and Unjust Uses of Property in Socialism
01:00:04 - The Solution to Socialism
01:04:36 - Where to Find Stephan's Work

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