The Hope Hotline | S01-E15 | 03-08-23

1 year ago

Question #1
In a marriage, can a (saved) husband who is secretly sinning interrupt blessings, healings, or miracles for his wife and/or children who live sin free?

Question #2
You have thoroughly explained speaking in tongues, but can you talk about a prophesy in tongues in a church service and if there should be interpretation.

Question #3
Is there a difference between a prayer language and speaking in tongues?

Question #4
My wife and I love what you are doing! You’re doing a dang good job! My question would be this. Would invitro-fertilization be considered going against Gods will?

Question #5
My husband and I got into a debate about dinosaurs. Can you help show in the Bible or from a Christian perspective where they come from?

Question #6
Please explain 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, where it says that women are to keep silent in the churches and in verse 35 it says it is a shame for women to speak in the church. How does this line up with all the women of God who are anointed and preach God’s Word?

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