Benazir Bhutto Casually Says Osama Bin Laden Was Killed in 2001 by Omar Sheikh [Man who beheaded Journalist Daniel Pearl & is has since been freed.]

1 year ago

When David Frost interviewed his guest live on his program, "Frost over the World", on November 2nd 2007, something truly telling happened. Madam Benazir Bhutto was a Pakistani political heavy weight. Ever since 1999, when a coup d'état installed the four star General Pervez Mousharraf as President, Benzir Bhutto opposed the repressive regime in her country. In this interview she casually claimes an ISI operative, the renouned Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, killed Osama Bin Laden back in December 2001. Benazir Bhutto herself would be killed little more than a month after giving this interview.

At 2'13" you can hear Benazir Bhutto clearly say, "He had dealings with Omar sheikh, the man who murdered Osama Bin Laden" Which is very odd, since the official narrative tells us Osama Bin Laden was killed March 10, 2011 when US special force raided his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

- - - In the November 02, 2007 interview with David Frost, Benazir Bhutto was asked about the previous attempt to assassinate her in October. Her response is well worth a second listen in the wake of her death. It seems that Ms. Bhutto suspected the involvement of Pakistan’s security services and told President Musharraf as much.

After she received a letter from Mr. Musharraf warning her of the various terrorist organizations who were planning to target her for assassination, she wrote back stating her view that “…while these [terrorist] groups may be used, i thought it was more important to go after the people who supported them, who organized them, who could possibly be the financiers… for those groups.”

Her most interesting remark was about one security agent she suspected of being involved in the bombings who, she said, “had dealings with Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden.“
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Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was a Pakistani politician who chaired the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), a centre-left political party in Pakistan. Bhutto was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state, having twice been Prime Minister of Pakistan (1988–1990 & 1993-1996). She was Pakistan’s first and to date only female Prime Minister.

Benazir Bhutto was the first lady to rule any muslim country in this world. She was also one of the most influential leaders of south asia.

Benazir Bhutto was born in Karachi, Pakistan to a prominent political family. At age 16 she left her homeland to study at Harvard’s Radcliffe College. After completing her undergraduate degree at Radcliffe she studied at England’s Oxford University, where she was awarded a second degree in 1977.

Later that year she returned to Pakistan where her father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, had been elected prime minister, but days after her arrival, the military seized power and her father was imprisoned. In 1979 he was hanged by the military government of General Zia Ul Haq.

Bhutto herself was also arrested many times over the following years, and was detained for three years before being permitted to leave the country in 1984. She settled in London, but along with her two brothers, she founded an underground organization to resist the military dictatorship. When her brother died in 1985, she returned to Pakistan for his burial, and was again arrested for participating in anti-government rallies. She returned to London after her release, and martial law was lifted in Pakistan at the end of the year. Anti-Zia demonstrations resumed and Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan in April 1986. The public response to her return was tumultuous, and she publicly called for the resignation of Zia Ul Haq, whose government had executed her father.

In 1996 President Leghari of Pakistan dismissed Benazir Bhutto from office, alleging mismanagement, and dissolved the National Assembly. A Bhutto re-election bid failed in 1997, and the next elected government, headed by the more conservative Nawaz Sharif, was overthrown by the military. Bhutto’s husband was imprisoned, and once again, she was forced to leave her homeland. For nine years, she and her children lived in exile in London, where she continued to advocate the restoration of democracy in Pakistan. In the autumn of 2007, in the face of death threats from radical Islamists, and the hostility of the government, she returned to her native country.

Although she was greeted by enthusiastic crowds, within hours of her arrival, her motorcade was attacked by a suicide bomber. She survived this first assassination attempt, although more than 100 bystanders died in the attack. With national elections scheduled for January 2008, her Pakistan People’s Party was poised for a victory that would make Bhutto prime minister once again. Only a few weeks before the election, the extremists struck again. After a campaign rally in Rawalpindi, a gunman fired at her car before detonating a bomb, killing himself and more than 20 bystanders. Bhutto was rushed to the hospital, but soon succumbed to injuries suffered in the attack. In the wake of her death, rioting erupted throughout the country. The loss of the country’s most popular democratic leader has plunged Pakistan into turmoil, intensifying the dangerous instability of a nuclear-armed nation in a highly volatile region.

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Published: 04:56 EST, 28 January 2021 |
Four terrorists convicted of kidnapping and beheading Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl are RELEASED including ‘killer’ on death row in Pakistan

Pakistan's Supreme Court today ordered release of Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who had been on death row, Fahad Naseem, Syed Salman and Muhammad Adil

Islamist militants were cleared of murder last year but they were held for appeal

Sheikh had been sentenced to death after being found guilty of abduction and murder of Daniel Pearl, 38, in 2002

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