My testimony 1of2

2 years ago

While I cannot relate my own revelation and how it happened, just know that it was a long painful process which involved a lot of second-guessing and a lot of unanswered prayer. I came to realize that prayer is a bit of a lie. You must TALK to God, recognizing and feeling his presence around you at all times. For a long long time I would talk to God, just speaking about many of the horrific things taking place in the world and in my own private life. Often times I even questioned if I was going mad and just talking to myself. On this day however, his presence overwhelmed me. I felt his touch... and amazingly while considering it for a moment I addressed a small detail of the revelation which I thought might be contradictory yet mid-thought and mentally dismissing it as not relevant anyway, I realized... IT EVEN FIT PERFECTLY. Wow, it was a massive power that just overwhelmed me at that instant. I will forever give my life to Jehovah. For some reason while making testimony of this, I just started rambling about random stuff and saved it in remembrance. I've shared it here just to make public my testimony and also put a bit of truth out into a truthless world.
I encourage anyone who has questions or comments, even if they're negative to put them down. SPEECH and KNOWLEDGE are the most important things that humans have had stolen from them by the rules of this dark world.
I encourage everyone to use an adblock software on my videos. I have no real desire to make any money from them but unless I submit to the Rumble gods (they are just like Youtube -- evil) and grant them exclusive rights to my own video, they won't allow it to show up in any searches. Imagine that. I also encourage anyone to grab the video and chop it up and screw it in any way you want. You can take pieces of it or the whole thing. I will never bother anyone who does that.

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