1 year ago

If you caught the Monday Night Live last night Sonya Vega/Myself were speaking about the “Four Stages of Love”- where God has begun to speak about our TRUE UNDERSTANDING about the Basics of Love. What/WHO LOVE truly is and if we truly understand them? Go check it out as God led us to speak about past experiences where we each have experienced TRUE love vs. Fleshly love. And theres a HUGE difference.
Rival Growing because God is breathing over America right now. The fight has been long but we are winning! God is moving out the old and moving in the NEW! FINALLY!
God said: I have already won this battle against this demonic Bohemoth- and you have nothing to worry about because as you are used to fight your way forward in Me- you are beginning to see MY BREATH become HEAVY upon this nation.
As others stuck in past season realize what is happening they are realizing now they have been left behind unless they align with Kingdom. But this part of Kingdom will require all hearts to free like they were at the start BEFORE they tried to implement something NOT OF ME.
This is a new beginning in history where all hearts are being given the opportunity to get free (BUT THEY HAVE TO CHOOSE TO COME HIGHER into Me MY WAY) or they leave Me no other choice but to spew them out.
2 Streams operating at present:
1) THE STREAM OF TRUTH/REVIVAL/hearts willing to align in TIME for the DIVINE.
2) THE STREAM OF RELIGION/UNBELIEF: consists of those hearts stuck underneath the apparatus of religion still demanding to things their own way.
This new way requires TRUST from all hearts who know it’s a must to FOLLOW the King into this NEW SACRED place. Its sacred because its Gods heart- and not all hearts will understand what God is having them do to get into the new.
What we are seeing are BOHEMOTH DEAD ministries begin to crumble as they have stumbled their way through religion. A dead structure that God is demolishing so that His true saints will be free ONCE AND FOR ALL!

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