Judge Huey Cotton - Quid Pro Quo

2 years ago

This is just a fraction of what you face in court. A judge who is as biased as they come. Huey P. Cotton is the life of the Bar Associations and without his influence peddling and predetermined decisions he wouldn't have that "swag" he talks about. Listen how members of the Bar Association refer to his wife by her first name and they know she let him out to play that night. Huey can tell a story. Imagine being a member of the Bar Association he loves so much. Listen to him puff his chest out more when he speaks to the San Fernando Valley Bar Association. It's heartbreaking to see this type of bias out in the open because behind closed doors you know it's so much worse. Imagine being this comfortable speaking in public like this? For those of us who just want a even playing field, those days are over and they have been over for so long they don't care to tell you like Huey does. You just have to listen.

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