Turpin: Terrible Toys [Short, DC Comics Fanfilm - 37 min]

1 year ago

Fan Film Awards, 2017 | Pasadena, CA

Metropolis: A serial killer emerges and leaves his victims dressed as toy soldiers; the caveat, all his victims are members of a notorious crime syndicate known as Intergang. It's up to Detective Dan Turpin to find the killer and put a stop to his reign of terror before his full plan comes to fruition.

The short is set in a pre-Superman Metropolis, with the ultimate goal of being a spec pilot for a web series.

Turpin: Terrible Toys was shot over a six month period with only a $1000 budget. The cast and crew donated their time and effort for the love of the project and the potential that it has to expand on the world it's laying a foundation for.

More information can be found at the official Facebook page:

If you like the film, please like the page to show your support. Share this video, share the FB page, and spread the word however you can! Help us launch what we truly believe could be the next great DC Comics live action series!

Please contact Robert Dodrill via the Turpin Facebook page for any requests for screenings (non-profit only), or questions about the film.


Turpin: Terrible Toys is a non-profit, independently produced, fan film. It is in no way affiliated with, sponsored, or approved by DC Comics or Warner Brothers Entertainment. We make no claim to characters, story lines, prop designs, names, logos, or situations that are trademarked, copyrighted or otherwise protected by federal, state, international or other intellectual property law. This work is produced solely for the enjoyment of ourselves and other DC Comics fans.

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