Daily nutritional tea

1 year ago

Some scholars maintain that Aristotle vividly described the utility of shilajit 2500 years ago, and that Alexander the Great added shalijit to the rations of his generals and personal guard units to give them strength and endurance on the battlefield.

Shilajit is a nutrient-dense biomass consisting of 60-80% humus (decomposed organic matter) containing fulvic acid, #dibenzo-a-pyrones, and 85 different #ionicminerals.

Fulvic acid contains a broad spectrum of bioavailable nutrients including minerals, #fattyacids, #phenols, and #flavonoids. It also has many different #carbon and phenol-based bonding sites, which are ideal for chelating with ions of macro- and micro- nutrients. When nutrients are bound to fulvic acid, they are more easily absorbed by cells.
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However, currently, our depleted soil is lacking the beneficial microbes and plant material to produce fulvic acids and humus. Fulvic acid removes deep-seated toxins from the body and trace minerals are needed as cofactors for enzymes, play important roles in turning food into energy, maintain the electrical balance in bodily fluids, carry oxygen in the body, are part of blood and bone, allow nerves to transmit messages and more.

Di-benzo alpha pyrones are able to pass the blood brain barrier (BBB) and act as a powerful antioxidant protecting the brain and nerve tissue from free radical damage. It also inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, thereby increasing acetylcholine. Low levels of acetylcholine are associated with alzheimers, poor memory and concentration.

Shilajit, because of its high fulvic acid content, is often used in Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapies for its "alterative" (liver cleansing) actions that help to remove natural toxins from the body.

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