SPEEDLINE 3 different techniques to make tree work easier

2 years ago

Dan offers three options where a speedline can be used, but using three different techniques.
Speedlines are an amazing technique for rigging, and they have more uses than you might think. Combining gravity will guidance along a specific route can save lots of leg work, and it's frickin fun!!
Adding these skills to your arsenal of tree work techniques will open up new ways of doing specific jobs.

00:00:32 What this video is about
00:01:50 You need a lot of slings and 2 carriers
00:07:03 Use static ropes for your speedline
00:8:20 Leave holding wood when pulling round branches with speedline
00:09:20 beware of branches flicking up under tension
00:12:58 Avoid objects at the base
00:18:19 Controlled speedline
00:19:00 using a back tie

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