Excellent Business Opportunity for Stay at Home Moms to Make Money from Home

1 year ago

🌻🌻🌻For more info, text or call Shawn at (714) 271-8524 OR Alice at (949) 394-0785🌻🌻🌻
🌻🌻🌻 Email works too!! email us at .............. ValleyFamSolar@gmail.com🌻🌻🌻

Excellent Business Opportunity for Stay at Home Moms to Make Money from Home

In this video we talk about an Excellent Business Opportunity for Stay at Home Moms to Make Money from Home.

Rough video transcript: Hi everyone, welcome to the ShawnShow, I'm Alice Vaillancourt, I'm the better half (haha........says Shawn).

So hey, this message is for all you stay at home moms out there. Do you wanna get your pedicure and manicure and not have your hubby not ask you why you're doing that or stress about it?

I have something for you. We just got involved in solar. And, we're working together as a team. We can work from our own home. From the kitchen table actually and we're selling solar,

We just had our first sale (as a trainee) and we actually have a couple of recruits joining us which is amazing b/c we can help our friends and family. .....warm leads. Pull out your cell phone, let people know what you're doing. We'll help you with that. It's just copy and paste.

Solar is booming as you may know if you've turned on the television.

You have the opportunity to build a real business.....that you can sell at some point.

🌻🌻🌻For more info, text or call Shawn at (714) 271-8524 OR Alice at (949) 394-0785🌻🌻🌻
🌻🌻🌻 Email works too!! email us at .............. ValleyFamSolar@gmail.com🌻🌻🌻

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