28 TauNET vs ChatGPTšŸ’Ž#shorts #tauchain #chatgpt #openai #taunet #ml #machinelearning #ai

2 years ago

Tau Net's AI compared to ChatGPT

At the face, they are both similar in that users may ā€˜Just say itā€™, however, Tau Net uses a software specification & KRR approach, whereas ChatGPT uses an ML-based approach. ML is excellent at certain tasks and to the untrained, gives the impression that requests are understood because of its ability to occasionally generate coherent and semantically meaningful text.

However, because of MLā€™s statistical nature, itā€™s mathematically impossible for an ML-based system to always give users accurate results in return or even do logical reasoning, so we require a stronger form of AI which is absolute.

#TauNet #ChatGPT #AIComparison #SoftwareSpecification #KRR #MLBasedApproach #LogicalReasoning #AbsoluteAI #InnovativeTechnology #ArtificialIntelligence #FutureTech #ai #machinelearning #openai

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