Sacred Sons Convergence 2021 - (My Experience)

3 years ago

I just went to the Sacred Sons Convergence in California, and today is my integration day. This video is my "review" or "testimonial." If you have any questions for me, let me know in a comment below or on instagram at:

My experience was powerful. I felt safe, supported, challenged and pushed to my edge in a healthy way that catalyzed real transformation and healing for me. I've learned that it's important to take time after transformational experiences like this to integrate everything. That's why I stayed an extra day in San Diego after the Convergence so I could journal, reflect, and make this video.

Thank you to everyone who made the Sacred Sons Convergence possible... the facilitators, helpers and every person who has ever had a positive impact on the facilitators and helpers. Thank you for helping men to do this work. It's important. You're literally helping to change the world.

At the Convergence, these are the brothers who had a huge positive impact on me:
◾ Kevin Walton:
◾ Adam Roa:
◾ Aubert Bastiat:
◾ Brenden Durell:

‎️‍🔥 Sacred Sons Website:

🔺 My Website:

Thank you again.

I've learned that Sacred Sons has a podcast, and they have an online network called the Brothership Network too. I don't know enough about those to talk about them yet, but I will be exploring. It's important for men to connect with each other and be in mens circles... Thank you Sacred Sons for creating these opportunities.


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