Why Being Single is Awesome for Men

3 years ago

The benefits of being single are real, and if you've never been intentionally single for an extended period of time, you might be hurting yourself. Being intentionally single can change your life forever...

Being single and happy in your 30s is possible, I can tell you that from personal experience (I'm 35). AND I'll say that being single and happy is what ultimately led me to much greater success - in terms of relationships, friendships and financially too.

In the past when I was single...

I would constantly look for the next woman to connect with (on dating apps, at parties, etc), and I didn't put all of that energy into my business - which would have set me up for much greater success.


Turns out that intentionally being single can be one of the most powerful and important experiences of your entire life. Being single is awesome for men because pursuing our purpose in life is INCREDIBLY important, and it can be challenging to do in relationship if you haven't first established a foundation of sovereignty and self love.

If you're single, I highly recommend you go through an extended period of intentionally being single. Date yourself, go on hikes with yourself, journal, figure out why you are here, learn to love yourself without any relationship at all...

AND THEN.... from that place of fully satisfied self-love, IF you choose to get into a relationship, your relationship will be MUCH better because you are going in from a place of sovereignty.

Being single isn't bad.

Being single can be healthy.

Just focus on loving yourself and creating the life you want.

When you create the life you want, getting into a relationship from that place will end up much better.



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