accountability is rare and makes ag cry

1 year ago

nothing more inspirational than fat people running around
ag cries when seeing anything remotely positive
i see the exact opposite of that all the time working @ a restuarant
the hat doesn't need to be present you fool
i saw sumin positive and had to talk about it
women are supposed to be emotional
women don't understand what their emotions are for
the feminist cycle
praying during sexual intercourse...
as an illegitimate child i get emotional about this one for obvious reasons
if you don't understand what you're doin you shouldn't be allowed to do it
govt funded chastity belts
do you see the way that americans behave
my body, my choice means i don't understand my body
i don't see feminists as human but...
abortion is a cultural problem not just a woman problem
abortion is the end result of a series of bad decisions
chastity belts would solve a lotta problems
bad behavior from yesteryear makes me sick
most of my audience are on the left
regular ass entrepreneurship is good, this is not that when corporations get govt subsidies
$ and opportunity for child rapists
are yawl ready for solutions yet

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