The Weirdness of World’s Fairs Expos

1 year ago

#worldsfair #expo #losthistory #hiddenhistory #forbiddenhistory #reset #newnarrative
The weirdness surrounding The Worlds Fair Expos are apparent as soon one begins to do even the slightest amount of digging into the official narrative of the history surrounding these events. It seems they were used as a way to destroy the old world and its history while telling a new universal narrative that would guide the masses towards global government. Just think of the effects of the promotion of globalism, internationalism, multiculturalism and the erasure of national sovereignty. I mean damnit the guy who dreamt up the United Nations and The League of Nations (WWI predecessor) was one of Hitlers top generals! We are ignorant of our past and so we are doomed to repeat it. I’ve been studying this topic for a while now but if you have any books, info, channels, evidence or video to recommend on the true history that has been covered up, please share it in the comments or reach out to us at

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