Understanding The Threshold Of The Celestial Object

1 year ago

Understanding The “Threshold” Of The Celestial Object

About this Video Article:
This Article is being turned into a Video Article in 2023 and will be included in the “2015 Flashback Video Article Playlist” for posterity - While the Article could be completely rewritten to better communicate some of the points within, it is being created and included the way it was written (with some minor edits), primarily to preserve it, and to convey the thought process I was going through at the time it was written, and obviously, I had not come to the conclusions and realizations that I have now come to

This Article was written BEFORE I made the Videos in the Video Series:
Mass Matter Function Interaction Of Momentum
(5 Videos in the Playlist. I Recommend you watch those videos)

Understanding The “Threshold” Of The Celestial Object
December 6th 2015

We have been taught that as you go below the surface of a Planetary Object things get hotter and hotter until the surface is no longer solid, and now you have a subsurface ocean of molten lava - and as you go even deeper you somehow find that there is a solid Iron Core?

How could you have a subsurface of molten lava, where temperatures are hot enough to melt any form of matter, yet there is an agreement and evidence that the core is solid?

Well, this information is only partially correct, and physics as we know today is also only partially correct!

What is described as happening and what is really happening is a matter of perspective, and scientific understanding

With the concept agreed upon that the core is solid, but with no explanation for how the core could be solid in such high temperature environment, or an explanation that defies the very laws of physics; being that the more pressure matter is under the hotter it must become to liquefy or melt - this being proven fact

So, we already can agree that the "Laws" of Physics that we officially agree upon today are inaccurate to say the least!

So, now we start to realize that the Core is actually a large Solid Iron Core, under such tremendous pressure that the Iron has Crystallized into this new solid

All Matter, with enough energy and gravitational pressure will compress through the base elements from Hydrogen to Iron, Matter will transfuse down to Iron, at which point it can no longer compress - after a point there is a "Threshold" where the Iron will Crystallize and you get the Solid Crystal Iron Core - the Building Block of the Cosmos; the Celestial Object

The Building Block of the Cosmos - the Crystallized Iron Core!

Understanding this, understanding the "Threshold" is key to a quick summary of the ENTIRE COSMOS!

(Understanding the "Threehold," Threshold or Third State of the Dark Energy Field - This is the "Void" or the Densest of Dark Energy in this Universe - Threshold literally means; "Holding Back the Void...")

I assure you, outside of exotic environments, the bulk of the cosmos will behave in exact and defined ways - Matter will behave in a very clear and predictable pattern as long as you know the "Threshold"

So, what is the "Threshold"!???

The Threshold of the Celestial Object is SIMPLE: Size|Speed|Environment

("EnvIRONment" can be defined as: "The State Iron is in - the approximation and influence of the Iron Core in relation to its host and other Iron Cores within its vicinity)

Okay - so, any matter larger than say Mercury will be large enough to have a magnetic field - this is the "Threshold" of Matter in the majority of systems to be large enough that the Matter at the Core is under enough pressure that it can transfuse to Iron and Crystallize

So, Starting with the smallest of scales, we have Celestial Objects the size of Mercury

As we move up through the "Rocky" Planets we have Earth and larger planets

And then we get into the Gas Giants, and then the Brown Dwarfs and then the Small Stars and all the way up to the biggest Stars and then we get into the exotics; Black Holes and Neutron Stars...

But, what is the common denominator, what is the "Threshold" that will determine the characteristics of these Celestial Objects?

For this we need to quickly revise your understanding of Physics and Astrophysics and explain the way the Universe really works!

Orion Michael Guy

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