The Agree To Disagree Show - 03_07_23

1 year ago

On today's episode of The Agree To Disagree Show, host Brian Engelman welcomes Blake Walley & Stephanie Jackson to respond to the following statements & see if they agree or disagree.

Agree or disagree?

Trump's CPAC straw poll blowout (3-1) over closest "rival" Ron DeSantis solidifies him as the 2024 GOP Presidential candidate.
Americans kidnapped & killed in Mexico signals their drug war as a clear & present danger to the US.
Fauci funded the fake report he cited to lie to Congress.
Tucker's J6 tapes reveal the J6 committee mislead the public.
Qanon Shaman deserves to go free.
Ray Epps told the full and complete truth to the committee.
Legacy media deliberately smeared Josh Hawley?
It's time for a prisoner exchange.
It's time for Joe Biden to step down.
The SPLC is involved with domestic terrorism.

Follow Blake Walley on Twitter @TvsBlakeWalley
Follow Stephanie Jackson on Twitter @StephanieeeeeJ

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