Why you should learn Kotlin - Kotlin Tutorials for Beginners #1

2 years ago

This video is the first video of the Kotlin Tutorials for Beginners series. In this video, I explain as to why you should use Kotlin for Android app development.
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GitHub Link - https://github.com/khanyisakeke

LinkedIn Link - https://www.linkedin.com/in/khanyisa-keke-5573b5203/

My Android for Kotlin Development Blog Link - https://khanyisakeketv.cloudaccess.host/blog/

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Click here for the link to the full video where I discuss Kotlin vs Java and which one is better for Android Development. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNW5Wc_hRPA&list=UURoPQrbJqGvNZISL1yqa-XQ

Click here to be sent the PDF where I discuss as Kotlin vs Java and which one is better for Android Development: https://systeme.io/funnel/share/1504037b7dfc00d626ad64755b44f63668aafe5

Firstory Podcast Link - https://open.firstory.me/user/clacgzgai01se01t4d04b3y4p/platforms
Time Stamps:

0:00 : Intro
0:52 : What is Kotlin?
1:27 : What are the Advantages of Kotlin?
2:28 : What are the Disadvantages of Kotlin?
3:32 : What is Java?
4:24 : What are the Advantages of Java?
5:28 : What are the Disadvantages of Java?
6:38 : Conclusion

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#kotlinandroid #kotlin #java

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